About Us
We educate the world
We need to acknowledge our mindset and educate future generations so they can do better. Everyone’s body is their own, we need to respect that. We need to diminish the differences between genders. We all need to be able to explore our sexuality and our needs. We need to stop shaming each other, publically, but also privately, we want everyone to be free!
So that’s a lot, but it’s time for this change! We figured only a bold statement could do the trick. So that’s what we did, we created an artpiece of the one thing that is educated on far too little, the vulva!
And now for the boring part…
We, Ron and Sanne, are parents to two children, for whom we wish complete equality but we realise there’s still a lot of work to be done. We feel that we can create momentum by combining an extremely cool idea (the NFT) with good old fashion education (through local foundations).
We do everything ourselves, the idea, the creativity is our own, the code to creating the NFT was written by us, the websites, communication and managing inquiries etc, as well. We do this because we want to do our part in changing the narrative and by doing all the work ourselves we are truly engaged.

Sanne Korteland
Born 1984, Financial chief of a company in the Netherlands, proud mom of 2.

Ron Wondaal
Born 1982, Pilot and programmer, proud dad of 2.